Artmaking is a way I connect to to life.
My process is a freefall into the space between lived experience, materiality and intuitive response. At times it is exploration, experimental investigation and a process of discovery. It is always a surrender to the unknown space where I may or may not find my way: listening, looking intimately and revelling in the freedom to play. It allows me to engage with life without words, finding my own language, balance and meaning.
My work is consciously not homogenous. I respond to what my attention is called to, with what I feel is required. It is in attention that I experience a sense of wonder and appreciation for this human sensory experience. I draw from memory and observation with a focus on the natural environment and our interconnectedness.
I am a maker.
Creative Work
I have worked extensively in film and animation, illustrated numerous published books and continue to create bespoke fabric designs.
I am currently working in collaboration with artists and crafts artisans on public artworks that promote sustainability and environmental awareness.